It's been great having my mum to stay for the next two weeks to help me with my 21st planning! We've been DIYing and arts and crafting, as you can see. So chuffed with how my mosaic table top turned out.
The orange trees in our veggie garden have been giving us yummy oranges to make fresh juice with. We eat home-grown veggies, farm milk and soon enough we'll have our own chickens for eggs :D yay.
And Olly came for a sleep over on Milo's birthday on account of Charles leaving her behind. Here she is making herself at home on my mum's lap! hehe. Those who know my mum would find this funny, cuz she's not exactly what one would call a dog person.
Salmon roses, my mum and my hubby. What a nice combo! This was on a Maritzburg shopping day. We've been kitting out the spare rooms. I must take a photo of them to show you guys. The house is coming on so nicely!